5 Prayers for My Best Friend

It has been about almost a month since my best friend started college. About a few weeks since she last came home. About a few weeks since I saw her cute face. We went from seeing each other every day, serving with one another at church every week for the past 3 years to suddenly leaving one another for weeks. Though it may not be a long time period or even a big distance, it was definitely a big transition.

She hasn’t been back home in a while and though I know she’s trying to build another life in college, I still miss her. When she told me she wasn’t coming back home this week, I felt really sad because we were scheduled to serve together on Sunday, but since she wasn’t coming home, we couldn’t do that together. And I miss spending time with her, eating with her, talking to her about the most random things. After crying in my car for a good amount of time, I knew what I had to do. And so I prayed. I prayed for my own heart, but more importantly I prayed for her heart.

Here are 5 prayers that I prayed for her!

1. “God, remind her of you and who you are everyday. Remind her of the gospel and how it gives meaning to life.”

It’s easy to lose sight of what is important. It is easy to lose track of our purpose as students, but more importantly, as Christ followers. It is hard to remember God in busy moments of the day. It is hard to put aside time to listen to what God is trying to teach us.

2. “God, I pray that she would find your word to be refreshing and sweet to her soul.”

On a day to day basis, it is so common to be distracted from doing homework, studying, working, going to class, and even bible reading. Sometimes it becomes a routine and becomes something that you have to check off your checklist for the day. But God’s word is what gives us wisdom and realigns our hearts to be like His.

3. “In times of uncertainty and uneasiness, Lord, grant her a peace that surpasses all understanding and an everlasting joy that is only found in you.”

We experience trials quite often. Trials bring discomfort into our lives, but at the same time, trials give way to God’s glory. Suffering produces strength. Suffering paves a way for God to show us how powerful he is. There are moments in life where we can’t move, where we can’t do anything to make things better. But it is in those moments where we depend on God all the more and see more of his power and goodness. There is a reason for our suffering, and God is walking with us through it.

4. “God, please give her new friends who will walk life with her and who will encourage her to live as an imitator of Christ.”

We’ve been walking life together for the past 3 years (literally). And while I wish walking life together now was easier, we’re both busy and don’t see each other that often. So my prayer is that she will find good friends at school who are not only fun to be around, but who are friends who will spur each other on in Christlikeness.

5. “God, create in her a prayerful heart that desires you above all, one that seeks to follow you and trust you.”

Yes, school is important. Yes, working hard is important. But what we should desire most should be Christ. We are constantly tempted by the fleeting world around us, so in order for us to remain faithful to God, we must pray. Desiring God is not an easy thing, especially when life hits us hard in the face. But through prayer, we are able to spend time with God and overcome the world’s temptations.

So as I prayed for her and for myself, there was a sense of peace. Though I still am sad that I can’t see her this weekend, God reminds me that I can love her by praying for her (and that I will see her when she comes back next week for laser tag!). Through just a few prayers for her, God reminded me of how powerful prayer is. We may think of it as just a few words said before meals or before exams (especially when we don’t study enough), but it is more than that. Prayer is essential to a true relationship with God. So, ironically, my prayer is that I pray more and that my best friend and all my friends pray and come to know and praise Christ for who he truly is.

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